Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The reasons behind Delta firing that woman for blogging seem stupid to me. I don't see why people can't blog about their lives as long as the content is not offensive or innapropriate. The article said how you should use an anonymous name to blog with if you want to start a blog. This seems pointless to me. Why would you write any kind of publication without having anyone know you wrote it? Would you write a book and leave it anonymous? It seems dumb unless you're just doing it for therapy or as a hobby. I don't think I'll ever really want to have a blog. I just dislike writing too much and if people want to know about my life they can ask me.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Social Media Revolution

the video was really cool. some of those stats were really suprising. i really agreed with the thing about email declining: i haven't emailed a friend since like elementary school. ummmm not sure what else to say. the video was really interesting and well made and i liked the song. i totally agree that it's a revolution and not just a fad. it's practically a defining way of life for people. now a ton of my social intereaction is over facebook. i depend on it a lot now. it's a lot like how cell phones changed society. 10 years ago, not many people had them and people didn't depend on them. nowadays it's hard to find anyone without a phone, and everyone feels dependent on them. i feel like in my generation at least we mostly just use like facebook and youtube. i barely know anyone my age who uses twitter or flickr or digg or whatever. some of the ones listed in the video i hadn't even heard of. idk what else there is really.... hmm... i wonder how it's going to change in like the next ten years. people are only going to start using social media more i bet which is gonna be crazy. i bet facebook will be enormous by then. it's cool to imagine what kind of changes they'll make to it, and just technology in general. i wish i could skip to the future and see what people will be updating online in 10 or 15 years. maybe we'll be able to update a status by just thinking it, and read other people's statuses in our heads! that would be really cool. and really dangerous if people used it the wrong way. but still it's really cool to think about stuff like that. aaaaannnnd i don't really have anything else to say...good thing the times almost up. i kinda like this class so far i like doing stuff online and i feel like it's more relevant than other classes.